Saturday, April 21, 2007

Family Day ARGH!

we practised hard for our tong hua.
but was quite screwed in my opinion :S

the song was played too loud
my friend said starting when i sang. got static. so flopped
the starting supposed to sound peaceful

couldn't harmonise jason during the pre chorus :S
cos was too nervous
held the mic on the end.
my hand was shaking like crazy!

hock kiat was great on handling the high notes
but we flopped cos after the first upkey
we go sing the up part alr
which was supposed to be reserved for the 2nd upkey
THEN WE stunned look at each other

diana said the harmonising part was good
but my sister said it was bad
my friends said it was nice
xue qin told me overall it was OKIE. only.
quote her
"if i didn't noe you and i heard u. i will give u the OKAY LOH review"
that sounds like we sucked so bad
i guess we were the worst performers at family day
but i love singing with hock kiat and jason at the staircases
i think quite a no. of ppl saw us sing alr :S
like mel and sandhya who got a preview

its difficult to re-enact the staircase sound on the mic
guess we have to do well on monday's full dress practice.
zhiwei and michelle said we shld be called H.I.M instead
but i think if we did that
all the S.H.E fans will come and jeer at us LOL.

hope on the finals we can bring u great music
with our medley of foreverlove/zhuanshutianshi

Monday, April 16, 2007

Support US!

Welcome to T3 a.k.a Terrible 3. JOKING

We arrived at this group name due to several reasons:

1) We couldn't think of a better group name
2) Our Surnames all start with T
3) Diana Said T3 was terrible 3 HAHA.

but we ain't really terrible.
At least I HOPE (Kangseng)
Be sure to watch out for us during family day.
We will be bringing you
Fan yi chen's
"I Believe"
See you there